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澳洲华人网上抗议种族歧视“游行”/Chinese-Australians stand against racial discrimination(Online Protest)

澳洲华人网上抗议种族歧视“游行”/Chinese-Australians stand against racial discrimination(Online Protest)
  • I oppose racial discrimination我反对种族歧视 97%, 57 votes
    57 votes 97%
    57 votes - 97% of all votes
  • I support racism ---支持种族歧视 3%, 2 votes
    2 votes 3%
    2 votes - 3% of all votes
Total Votes: 59
2020-04-25 - 2020-05-04
Voting is closed

华人网站【天下火辣讨论区】发起,全球首创的{2020澳洲华人反种族歧视大游行(网上)},现已开始。反种族歧视者,请投票!STOP racial discrimination!Chinese-Australians aren’t viruses!
网上投票为期一周,5月4日截止(不含5月4日),唯一选择。《The Sydney Post悉尼邮报》提供平台支持。
Chinese-Australian forum (Tianxia Huola - Hot Spicy Group) announces the world’s first 2020 Chinese-Australian anti- discrimination online protest rally has officially begun. People who stand against racism, please vote! STOP racial discrimination! Chinese-Australians aren’t viruses! The voting period is only for one week, finishing on 3rd May, one option. The Sydney Post is providing a support platform.



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