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These recent months the Australians are living through the darkest time since Millennium.While the whole country are exerting every effort to fight against COVID-19, some indivduals vent their frustration and anger on the Chinese communities and made them scapegoats.
The cases of discrimination against the Chinese communities came one after another. A retailer worker in a Telstra brance stores in Sydney was abused. “Go home, Yellow dog” was written on a construction wall in Melbourne. Outrageously a resident found his car set on fire in Adelaide. What I listed are just a few. More cases are found to take place in broad light but failed to be exposed for one or another reason.
These cases seriously hurt and depressed the Chinese communities. And meantime some Asian Australians are mistaken for Chinese and are experiencing the same discrimination.
Because COVID-19 first broke out in China, some people and politicians maciously labeled it ‘China virus’. Supposing if it happened in another country like the U.S or UK, how would they address it? Would they treat Americans or British in the same way?
Those who called the Chinese YELLOW DOGS have humiliated the human race itself and degraded themselve.
Everyone is born equal, regardless of gender, race or ethnicity. No race is superior to the others and each has its strengths and weaknesses. They match each other perfectly, working together as interlocked gears to push forward the wheel of human history. United and collabtatively, civilization will make a great leap. Hostility and confrontation  however, will lead to clashes and separation.
Australia is not home to the Caucasians, but also to the Mongoloid and the Negroid race. Australia belongs to all the Australians from various ethnic groups. Australia belongs to all who live on it and hold it dearly.
Moreover, do the Chinese communities deserve discrimination?
There is no denying a few Chinese hoarded formula milk powder and made profit by selling them to China. They are black sheep of the Chinese communities. They can’t represent the whole group.
Most of the Chinese communities haven been serving and working for Australia in different fields in silence. The Chinese are deligent, self-desciplined, self-reliant, friendly and quiet. They are modest about their contributions to the country. So in Australia mainstream media, you can’t find how much GDP they have created, how much they have promoted the economy and how many Chinese volunteers have participated in the firefightings, animals rescues, aged cares or other public services.
This time when COVID-19 struck Australia, the Chinese communities have spontaneously given away money and medical supplies to hospitals, schools, churches and neighbors through various channels. They feel in the same boat with all the other Australians, through thick and thin.
Finally, what we Chinese ask for is quite simple.We hope wherever we go, we will not get a peculiar look, we don’t have to worry about being abused or attacked. We hope our children can enjoy school free from bullying and humiliation. We hope our friends and relatives can be equally and fairly treated at work places without being separated and excluded. We hope there will be no offending signs or words in public against the Chinese. We hope we will not be haunted by the image of bruised faces or a burnt car. What we want is to live safe and free.
There is no doubt that the discrimination against the Chinese communities have long existed. No Chinese can stay out or be spared. To make Australia a haven for us and our offsprings,everyone in the Chinese communities should bear the responsibility and stand against discrimination side by side. If you don’t struggle for yourself, how can you depend on others?As a matter of fact, discrimination hurts more than the Chinese. There are also genders, age, religion, job discriminations and so on. Discrimination is like tumor. Unless curbed or cut, it will grow wildly. All the people in Australia should take actions to change and stop this before it’s too late.
To those who have experienced discrimination, please don’t cry in the dark. You did nothing wrong and you are not alone. When you are hurt, speak out , report and ask for help.
Those who witnessed the discriminations, please don’t stand by or evade. Your righteous and courageous deed will support and protect the victims and discourage and deter the offenders and assaulting.
To those racists, please take second thoughts on what you have done. Stop your insane and violent behavior. Especially those politicians, please be open-minded and think with overall views dealing with racial issues.
To all the others who love peace and respect life, please join us in the battle against discrimination, making Australia better.
To the state and federal governments as well as local authorities, please review the cases of discrimination against Chinese and Asian Australians and enforce the Discrimination Act by punishing these racists instead of leaving them at large. Let Sword of Damocles hang overhead, making the innocent relieved and the unlawful recoil.
COVID-19 is a disaster challenging everyone living in Australia. Let us turn it from a disaster into a bond bringing all residents and citizens together through the hardship. Just as after the disastrous Sydney forest fires, amazingly, the forests and plantations come to full life again by the hand of God, Australia will turn the crisis of COVID-19 into blessings as long as we are united as a whole.


(2020/4/19  作者为墨尔本华人  来稿原文刊登  文章代表个人观点)


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