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歧视华人! 三人吃饭只付一人钱 警察称不打架没事


维州有华人投诉:今天在姐姐之前打工的Sumo吃饭 三个西人吃完饭 只给一个人钱就走 然后报警 警察居然说:他们来就是为了不引起斗殴,对方认为享受的服务和菜品就值这个价钱 所以,要就要,不要对方就要离开。


太过分了 怎么可以这样 想知道警察到底有什么用


不是语言 就是歧视 因为姐姐说的很清楚 警察一直在打断 不让说 说:没时间分析判断 只要不打架就可以了。








Dear Camberwell Police,

My name is Angela, owner of the Sumo Sushi & Grill restaurant. Yesterday we encountered a difficult problem and asked you for help, but the result of this issue made us feel very unfair and unhappy. I hope that we could get a better response on this. Here’s the issue:

Our restaurant offers ‘all you can eat’ to the customers which means that they can order any food from the menu, one adult’s price is $42.5 with no rounds limit (while ensuring that there is no waste, they could order as many times as they want). We have been adhering to this system since the restaurant opened, and have not encountered any problems until yesterday, 3 adults came for dinner, they ordered nearly 100 plates in their first round. As we have other customers, we couldn’t give them this much at one time because if we do then other customers will need to wait for a very long time. In addition, if they waste, it is unethicaland not environmentally friendly. Therefore, I halved the food they ordered. (eg. If they ordered 10 plate of scallops, we give them 5 plates first and when they finished, we will give the rest to them if they promise they can finish all of them). However, when they pay the bill, they said that they will only pay 1 person’s price as they are not happy with our service. Then we called the police, 2 officers from Camberwell police station came and we told them this issue then they chat with the customers who refuse to pay the bill. When I thought we would get the payment we deserved, Mr. Officer gave me an unacceptable solution:these three customers will only pay us $50, if we don’t accept this $50, these customers could walk straight away. After chatting with my partner, we asked them if they can pay 2 people’s price, they refused it and indicates that $50 is the highest amount of money they can give. We think that it is really unfair that they don’t pay for their food. We didn’t say we will not give them what they want, the reason why we give our customers the opportunity for no rounds limits is because we don’t want them to order too much each time, 1. We are afraid of waste, 2. The kitchen cannot produce so much. If all customers order food like them, how can we serve it?We hope that every customer could eat and drinkwell, and treated equally, but we also hope that they will not waste and understand our ordering rules.

I think that our fundamental right has been violated. We worked hard, spent the time to cook and serve them, but we did not get the rewards we deserved. We are confused about the way this problem ended, in my opinion, the police should encourage the customers to do the right thing, pay the right bill. If everyone does not pay us the correct amount, how can our restaurant continue to open? How can we maintain our lives? Our restaurant first opened in November 2019, when we just started, corona virus broke out and we turned into lock down, time was difficult for my family. Finally, we can reopen.Unexpectedly, something like this happened. We chose to open the restaurant in Camberwell because we believe that you will treat every citizen fairly and solve problem responsibly.If this problem is solved in this way, it means that the same result will happen next time. Are we properly protected in this way?

We sincerely hope that our venerable Camberwell Police Station can extend a helping hand to us. Help us to resolve this problem. We had these 3 customers’ phone number when they sign in on our book, not sure if the 2 officers who came yesterday also recorded their details. We want to find an appropriate solution for this. We would like them to pay us the right amount of money.


Thank you

Kind Regards






3 thoughts on “歧视华人! 三人吃饭只付一人钱 警察称不打架没事

  1. 在澳洲有刑事和民事法律的區分。


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