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投票!响应美国“黑人生命很重要”运动/Vote! Responding to the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States.

尊重生命--全球网络声援美国反歧视和平示威活动/Respect for Life - The global network’s solidarity towards peaceful anti-racism protest in United States
  • 1.Support United States’ peaceful demonstration. 95%, 63 votes
    63 votes 95%
    63 votes - 95% of all votes
  • 2.Not sure. 5%, 3 votes
    3 votes 5%
    3 votes - 5% of all votes
Total Votes: 66
2020-06-03 - 2020-06-26
Voting is closed

说明:美國非裔男子弗洛伊德(George Floyd)5月25日在被捕期間遭警員以膝部壓頸後死亡,觸發示威浪潮。华人网站【天下火辣讨论区】组织本次网上声援美国民众活动。投票声援从6月3日到25日。The protest was sparked by the death of an African-American man, George Floyd, who was killed after a white police officer knelt on his neck during his arrest on May 25. Chinese-Australians website ChilliComment organized this online protest voting event, from June 3 to June 25.





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